TOEFL Writing Integrated Task 対策

TOEFL iBT Writing Integrated 対策

TOEFL Writing Integrated タスクとは

TOEFL Writing Integrated のタスクでは、学術的な内容のパッセージを3分以内に読み、それに対応する講義を約2分聞き、双方の内容を関連づけて、20分という制限時間内に要約するというタスクです。


個人的には、このセクションは点数を上げやすく、高得点を安定させることができれば、Writingセクションの点数全体が改善すると考えています。なぜなら、私の経験では、TOEFL Writing Integratedの方がTOEFL Writing Independentより安定して高得点を獲得できていたからです。(かつては、セクション別のスコアが確認できました。)


TOEFL iBT Writing Independent 対策

TOEFL Writing Integrated 採点基準


TOEFL Writing Integrated 対策方法



英語におけるエッセイの論理構成を習得済みの方は以下よりTOEFL Writing Integratedに対する対策を学びましょう。

TOEFL Writing Integrated セクションでは、テンプレートが非常に威力を発揮します。なぜなら、問題の型が決まっており、テンプレートを使わないと情報を過不足なく伝えることができないからです。なので、以下に示すテンプレートを参考にしてみてください。なお、一言一句、同じように暗記する必要はありません。書きやすいように、アレンジしてみてください。


Both the passage and the lecture are about 内容. While the writer of the passage believes that 内容, the lecturer opposes this point. His/Her thought is that 内容.

To begin with, the author of the passage states 内容. Moreover, the writer mentions that 内容. However, the lecturer says 内容. He/She adds that 内容.

Second, the article indicates that 内容. In addition to that, the author claims that 内容. In contrast, the lecturer argues that 内容. Additionally, he/she notes that 内容.

Finally, the passage asserts that 内容. In the passage, it’s said that 内容. The professor, however, objects that 内容. He/She also remarks that 内容.


  • テンプレートを用いてロジカルな回答を作成する能力
  • 時間内に回答を作成する能力

TOEFL Writing Integrated テンプレートの使用例


Both the reading and the lecture are about whether a portrait of a woman is actually painted by Rembrandt, a famous Dutch painter. While the reading passage insists that that painting is not painted by Rembrandt, the lecturer refutes this.

To begin with, the writer of the passage suggests that the portrait of woman has inconsistency that a woman wears an expensive fur while wearing the clothes for servants although Rembrandt is known for his realistic art style: to paint details accurately. However, the lecturer rebuts this by saying that the fur part was painted after some years in order to increase the value of the painting by someone else. She adds that it is proven through a research, after removing added the painting, the portrait of a woman just resembled other works by Rembrandt.

Second, the reading passage argues that light and shadow are not correctly painted while Rembrandt is known to be adept at depicting them. In contrast, the lecturer does not support this argument either. She points out that the light and shadow actually turned out to be precisely painted and the clothing would reflect the light and illuminate the face of the woman after removing the part of the fur, which was painted by someone else later.

Finally, the writer of the passage indicates the portrait was on the wood panel which was made of the several pieces of wood glued together while other works were pained on the single wooden panel. However, the lecturer does not support this idea either. She says that the wooden panels were added later on and it is even proven by the research that panels of other works are from the same tree.

TOEFL Writing Integrated まとめ





TOEFL iBT Writing Independent 対策


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Ryu Nishida
純ジャパの私が、怠惰ながら独学でTOEFL 104点、TOEIC 900点を達成した方法について解説します。 トロント大学在籍。